kitchen memories
xerxes, fried baloney, cleopatra click click, powdered eggs, slimy chicken in #10 cans, the toaster fire, the burnt cabinet, slicing a finger while slicing bread, plastic radio on the shelf, "at beneficial, you're good for more," tang, "chock-full of nuts is heavenly coffee," "up, up, and away," the phone 617-528-5248 (why can't i forget that?), having to call and apologize for lying, lining up juice glasses on the counter to match the levels (ocd), FAKE BRICK LINOLEUM, carrying my plate to the bathroom (dippity doo) so nobody would eat my dinner, the screaming, the yelling, lysol odor, the shouting, american chop suey, the anger, the dreaded red medicine, lava soap for swearing, the funny black and white photo of spaghetti on his head, the hair brush, the fucking stiff bristle hair brush, puke, knocked out of my chair into the corner by a fist, kraft macaroni and cheese, perry mason (no, that was the living room), waking up screaming with no idea how i got there, the tick tick tick of the black plastic clock
nothing significant ever happened in the kitchen