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Before a child can grok a "ball" they have to be trained to narrow their focus from seeing a single field of multicolored light to being able to isolate spectrums. Before they can ever begin to identify shapes, they must first learn what parts of the visible spectrum to filter out, meaning to ignore, in order to be able to see.

1 min read

Poem Shadow of a Poem

For Eggtooth, who claimed one should never write a poem about a poem or a dream. This poem was created using his words.
1 min read

Excerpt From the Americ Book of the Dead

The old woman’s body on a platform that fills the cave, pallid skin, leathered face, lower lip stretched up over the upper, sutured in place with a skinned twig, eyes sewn shut with purple thread.
1 min read

it was said

This poem is widely known, much praised, and probably parodied more than any other. If you’re poetry literate, you’ll probably recognize the poem right away.
1 min read

This Poem is Nifty

This poem is a non-fungible token. This poem is a type of cryptocurrency. This poem is cryptic currently. This poem is interchangeable. This poem cannot buy money. This poem has no value...
2 min read

ariadne amazed

i was touched by you i was torched by you you put your boot on my face i was reminded of your beauty you put me in the maze you put me on the beast you saved me from yourself you betrayed me for my self
5 min read


Because I have an interest in all things paranoid, as well as poetry and photography, I had to have this book. Printed in 1963 in Brazil and very rare, I managed to get a copy. As a photobook, it didn’t disappoint.
1 min read

Life on Mars

they say mars is dead but how'd those rocks get to the bottom of the hill