that time Does It Matter if You Touch the Ashes? I Did Not Touch the Ashes i took my dead mother for a walk last week at Land’s End, by chance i was just looking for easy access water to dump her in to dissolve her, i guess was the intention i didn’t give it that much thought
invocation Hymn to the Scum Goddess Oh, and women who malevolence did earth and materium was the big walking disgust. jealousy eaten, proven with Kuśa, malediction and absorption, feelings produced by sages at envy and interaction, the drop, the Primeval is of us!
Adagio A MAN crosses towards the table from UP STAGE RIGHT. He is wearing underwear under a long, flowing silk bathrobe, open at the front. He stops to the RIGHT of the table. He takes a flower in his right hand, smells it, brushes his face with it, then drops it on the floor to his left.
blog haiQu haiQu began as a solo project, primarily using appropriation (theft, if you prefer). In its infancy, I called it Twitter Haiku. But after the hostile takeover of Twitter by a narcissist, fascist-wannabe man-baby, I abandoned the birdsite for Mastodon, where I continue the practice.
algorithmic sabotage I Said There's Nothing New Under the Sun but He Disagreed With Me Is He Wrong or Am I? i used to be afraid of vaginas i thought since they brought me into this world they could just as quickly take me out of it but now i know they don't care about me one way or the other they were just a tunnel...
blog Poetry Review: Steady by Anne Whitehouse Anne Whitehouse's poetry collection, Steady, isn't a poetry collection. Rather, it isn't just a poetry collection. I, perhaps naively, set about reading it without first getting a sense of its length or breadth. The book is divided into four Parts. The first, second and
The Tyranny of Words First Pat: Did you just key my car? Other Pat: No. FP: You did. I heard it. As you walked by you keyed my car! OP: No. I didn't. FP: There. Right there. You keyed my car! OP: No. I did not. FP: it’s right there! You
that time Here's Lookin' at You, Kid I don’t have writer’s block. I have writer’s fright. Nothing is permitted. Everything is true. I tell myself that I cannot lie in my writing. Is this what I’m afraid of? Why should it be any less easy to lie to myself than it is to
blog Exist Otherwise Literary & Art Journal, Issue 7 Exist Otherwise is one of my publications featuring creative writing and photography inspired by the gender-nonconforming writer, artist, and activist, Claude Cahun. Exist Otherwise #7 Claude Cahun was a Jewish French gender-bending writer, artist, activist, and anti-fascist in the first half of the last century. Their creative and political work
that time The Fause Knight on the Road This little gem is from from The English and Scottish Popular Ballads ‘O WHARE are ye gaun?’ Quo the fause knicht upon the road. ‘I’m gaun to the scule,’ Quo the wee boy, and still he stude. ‘What is that upon your back?’ Quo the fause knicht upon the
that time Judas is Scared A Lot When Judas heard the crow cock three times, he only did what his Rabbi asked him to. He fulfilled his destiny knowing full well what the cost would be. Condemned forever for an act of loyalty.
blog A Rare Old New Vintage Diana Camera Many people say the light leaks are part of the charm on vintage cameras, but I find them annoying. If the leaks were random in origin, shape, size, or character, that would be fun. But light leaking onto the exact same spot of each frame, and in exactly the same shape, is repetitive and boring.
that time Call Me Benjamin Button At exactly the halfway point between then and now, time, in concert with the earth's inner core of blazing iron and nickel, reversed its direction and began spinning backward as if seeking its own birth in the fiery magma of amygdala.
blog Tired: Substack, Wired: Ghost I've migrated my newsletter from Substack to Ghost. The reasons are important to me but it's doubtful you need to be bothered with them. This change isn't the reason for my long silence, though. That's because my writing is becoming less narrative
that time Invocation of Pork & Beans I call to Carna, also known as crane sacred witch, sworn enemy of screech-owls, vampires, rapists, and cads, protect our bodies from violation, ravishment and desecration.
invocation Featured Invocation for Children of the Secret there are no levels of spiritual development, no hierarchical scheme, Jacob’s ladder may be climbed by all. The key to heaven’s gate is visible on the mat.
algorithmic sabotage i don't like blue velvet mondays a guy I once knew, no, I met, insulted me with a joke, and then apologized for it by saying ninety percent of all jokes are true...